Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Latest Episodes

God's Blessing
February 05, 2023

We have received blessings from God and we know we were not doing right. However, we have also missed out on blessings because we were not living right. How can we consistently receive the blessing. It's always on the other side of your obedience.

Sleep 2
February 03, 2023

He gives His beloved sweet sleep. it is God's desire for us to sleep at night, so we can be prepared to fulfill our purpose for the following day. We must walk in our authority by casting down thoughts that try to keep us up at night, with the Word o

Soft Answers
February 01, 2023

As people of God, we can be guilty of planning a verbal attack on individuals or simply telling them off. Unfortunately, we are successful in our pursuits, but at the price of losing the war or permanently damaging a potential relationship that God wante

Love One Another
January 30, 2023

Jesus commanded us to love each other as He has loved us. Sometimes that means correcting mindsets that are detrimental to a person's life when the Spirit leads us. This can be uncomfortable, but if we truly love the person, we will obey the voice of

Run Your Race
January 28, 2023

Run the race that is set before you. Sin entangles us and keeps us from reaching our destiny. We must lay aside the weight and sin, so we can look to Jesus. This race is one of faith, so only Jesus can tell us when to make the necessary  turns in life tha

Love and Lifestyle
January 26, 2023

Sometimes our love for God coupled with a lifestyle that is pleasing to God will cause us to be in a hard place. However, you will be launched into your destiny from the hard place. The hard place or choice is where your blessing lies.

January 24, 2023

Many times as christians we are trained to look out for this and that as it pertains to sin. However, we are not always prepared for the seemingly simple innocent small talk that will leave us entangled in sin. Beware of the conversation.

Honor 2
January 07, 2023

The word tells us to honor people in the household of faith, like our immediate family. Honor is another word for love in which our faith operates. When we honor people our faith moves forward however, when we dishonor people our faith is hindered.

Trust in the Lord 2
January 05, 2023

To trust in the Lord with all of your heart, means to walk in all the light that you know, and avoid the shadows of temptation, fear, pride, etc. When you walk in all the light that you know, you can walk away from things that you deserve, you can give yo

Disappointed Faith
January 03, 2023

What do you do when you have done everything that God has instructed and it didn't work out as expected. Beware, the enemy will try to place a mental picture of your failure and press the replay button in your mind every time you try to move forward.
