Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Latest Episodes

May 07, 2023

God created us to become what He wants us to be. It is up to us, with the help of parents, to discover what we were made to be. Once we discover and accept His purpose and plans, He will direct our path to become what He has made us to be.

An Opportunity to do a Work
May 05, 2023

Sometimes God will ask us to sow a seed. As a result of our obedience, an opportunity to do a work will come our way. This new assignment is greater than our current capacity or skill set. God will anoint us to do the work which will eventually produce a

The Word
May 03, 2023

The Word of God will bring your prosperity, deliverance, healing, and freedom from oppression. Jesus stated this when He said He came to preach the gospel to the poor......... Jesus will tell you how to get from where you are, to the place that you desire

Seducing Spirits
May 01, 2023

A seducing spirit is anything or anyone that tries to stop your fellowship with God. It will try to turn your attention away from God through enticement. Sometimes people carry this spirit on them and the enemy will attempt to use them to stop you from re

The Directed Seed
April 29, 2023

When God directs us to sow and we obey, it is an invitation for Him to get involved in our situation. He directs us through compassion, helping other with a similar need, and sowing a seed to a man or woman of God or a ministry of His choice. When we obey

How Far
April 28, 2023

How far are you willing to go to receive the promises of God. In Revelations is says, "They loved not their lives to the death." Sometimes you may face death. However, on the other side of death is prosperity, promotion and the promise.

Your the Answer
April 26, 2023

Sometimes God will ask you to do something that is odd. It makes no sense. During these times, the enemy will try to convince you not to obey God for fear that you will look stupid. However, do what God is telling you to do because that odd thing is the a

Your Innocence
April 24, 2023

Sometimes the enemy will attack us with false allegations and we may suffer some loss. Many times we assume that justice will be served due to our innocence. However, this is leaning on the arm of the flesh. To counter this attack we must trust God and fo

Diseased Soul
March 28, 2023

A diseased soul is a mindset that is base on experience and some factual evidence. It is a belief that one can't have something because of someone, society or one's own limitations. A diseased soul will keep you from receiving from God.

Lulled to Sleep
March 26, 2023

It is a human tendency to forget about God after we have received the blessing/promise. The same zeal needed to serve God in the wilderness, will also be needed in the promise land. If we keep the same fervor in our daily walk, we will not be lulled to sl
