Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Latest Episodes

The Appointed Time
February 12, 2024

The appointed time is a set time when God will introduce Himself to you or reveal His plans for you. Sometimes, He reveals His plans later in life and other times He will reveal His plans at an early age. Sometimes, when He reveals His plans, He must enro

God's Will
February 05, 2024

We don't have to plead with God for Him to reveal His will for our lives. He wants to reveal Himself more than we desire. To know His will, we must start doing whatever He tells us. Soon, He will reveal to us what He ultimately wants us to do in life

Confirming His Word II
February 03, 2024

God will send us to our place of employment so He can work with us and confirm His word in us. His goal is to use us to make that place prosper. He wants to distinguish us from the other employees. He wants us to live a life of power, meaning He will conf

The God Of All Comfort
January 30, 2024

In life we all have to go through things. What we do while we are going through will be revealed at the end. If we allow God to help us, we won't look like what we have been through. If we focus on the negative while enduring, we may become a negativ

The Enemy's Devices, Desire
January 14, 2024

The enemy will use our desire to please God against us through deception. Many times the enemy will give us an idea or thought behind a move of God and spiritualize this idea. Can this idea stand alone? if not, it is not from God. Our ability to distingui

Ministering from the Soul or Spirit
January 07, 2024

When we are serving, are we ministering from our soul or the Spirit? Ministering from the soul or flesh looks like the Spirit. When playing, singing, teaching or preaching from the soul it always connects to a person's intellect and emotions. This ma

Divine Connections
December 31, 2023

Divine connections are made by God when He joins two individuals together. Sometimes the relationship will be father-son (mother-daughter), brothers or sisters, and husbands and wives. Divine connections are always a two way street, meaning it will be be

December 24, 2023

We must discern when God is moving in our everyday lives. We learn how to discern when we are in His presence and when we read His word. When we are in His presence we experience Him. When we are at a fork in the road, we will sense this divine fingerprin

December 11, 2023

The enemy will use negative outcomes from premarital sex to negatively impact our intimacy with our spouse. Because of this, sometimes it can be difficult to connect with our spouse during intimacy. The scriptures says, "When we engage in sexual immo

Telling Them Off
December 04, 2023

Everything we do in word or deed should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus or in love. When we practice love we can receive the benefits. But if we practice operating in the flesh, we will give an opportunity for the enemy to attack us. A step out of l
