Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Latest Episodes

Barriers to the Kingdom Part 2: Don't Give Up
September 09, 2021

Stay with the plan that God has for you. Don't allow the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches or the lust of other things choke the word out of you.

Barriers to the Kingdom
September 07, 2021

God wants you to enter the Kingdom of God however, you must forsake the barriers and choose God.

Promotion by Love: I Just Want To Be Happy
September 05, 2021

God wants to promote you to places where His light is dim.  However you must first pass the test of love whee you are.

Condemnation Part 2: Fraud
September 03, 2021

The enemy will try to get us to focus on money by suggesting we do something dishonest that everyone does. It is acceptable to society.

Condemnation 2
September 01, 2021

Condemnation has two ends. On one end of the spectrum the enemy tries to. condemn you of your past.  On the other end he will try to condemn you for something you have not done.

The Kingdom 6: Symbols of Prosperity
August 30, 2021

God will send you to a place where His light is dim to transform that place to the Garden of Eden. You will become a symbol of prosperity.

The Kingdom Part 5: The Law of Man
August 28, 2021

The Kingdom vs. The Law of Man. The law of man is a law that prevents one from giving their last. However, the Law of the Kingdom encourages one to give in their time of famine, thereby allowing God to intervene and bless them.

The Kingdom 4
August 26, 2021

Hinderances that will keep you out of the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom: Who Are You
August 24, 2021

We must know who we are to be able to receive from God.

The Kingdom: Benefits
August 05, 2021

The Kingdom offers benefits. Are you leaving benefits on the table? Have you been afforded some benefits that you are ignoring? Find out your kingdom benefit package.
