Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Latest Episodes

Personality and Culture
November 30, 2022

When God assigns us to a place we must adjust to the situation without the culture influencing us. We may be required to deal with a personality and a culture that we don't like. However, we must stay there and learn the lessons God intended for us

Winning Souls
November 28, 2022

To win a soul takes the wisdom of God. Often, God wants to use us and our personalities to win the people around us. He will supernaturally cause us to have conversations with individuals that will lead to their salvation.

Protection and Discomfort
November 26, 2022

God will protect us like a hen protects her chicks however, we must obey. When we obey, we are protected. Consequently,to obey may cause us to be in a state of discomfort for a season.

Wait On The Lord 2
November 24, 2022

Many times we may get the answer or step one from God. However, we often assume that because step one is anointed, that step two is also anointed. We must get every step from God so the entire process can be anointed.

The Rhema Word
November 08, 2022

When we hear a rhema word from God, we can have faith in that word. If we obey the word it will lead us to safety and our wealth place.

Spiritual Manipulation
November 06, 2022

Many tines when God uses us in the supernatural, we are tempted to use our God given gifts for personal gain. We must remember, if we manipulate people to get our needs met, we will open up the door for the enemy to manipulate us.

Depend Only
November 06, 2022

God wants us to depend only on Him. We often think that we depend only on Him but through test and trials we discover that we depend on money, personal abilities, and resources. When we grow to depend only on God, the blessing will come.

Ministering to Opponents
November 03, 2022

When we are ministering to those who oppose the word we must be gentle. We must do the same when we are confronting individuals. If we answer with gentleness ,the Holy Spirit can do His part and draw the person to the truth.

The Devil's Playground
November 01, 2022

The enemy has many schemes to deceive God's people. One of his tricks is to convince people that they can be entertained by fear without torment, however the Bible says that fear has torment. Discover how the enemy uses fear and what we can do to avo

A Prosperity Ideal
October 30, 2022

God will prompt our hearts to serve the church and people. If we serve with all of our hearts,. God will use this service to prosper us in our own endeavors.
