Raising Christian Kids

Raising Christian Kids

Latest Episodes

Overcoming Anxiety & Replacing it With Confidence to Raise Worry-Free Kids
September 11, 2023

Stop being so hard on yourself; that is not helpful for any parent ever. Replace those harder thoughts with gentler, kinder thoughts, and remember God loves us and believes in us in these moments. -Sissy Goff.Sissy Goff, LPC-MHSP, has worked as the di

7 Pointers to Assist You in Helping Your Child Win Over a Bully
September 06, 2023

Did you know that Princess Kate Middleton, Tom Cruise, Dwayne The Rock Johnson, and Jesus were all bullied?Back in Jesus day, the Jews were fearful of the Roman soldiers. Romans were confiscating the land, food was scarce, and taxes were up to 80 to

How We as Parents Can Overcome Fear and Doubt with Forgiveness and Love
September 04, 2023

"You are raising the next generation of kingdom changers - give yourself some grace; we're not perfect. Step out with forgiveness and love and leave that fear and doubt behind. Billie Jauss.Billie Jauss is the author of Making Room and Distraction De

What Are the 8 Beatitudes & How Can We Help Our Children Live by Them? – Part 2
August 30, 2023

Ephesians 4:31-32 states, Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.In embracing the lessons of

What Are the 8 Beatitudes & How Can We Help Our Children Live by Them? – Part 1
August 28, 2023

The Beatitudes are like a roadmap on how we are to live on Earth as if we are living in Heaven.The Beatitudes are eight blessings from the Gospel of Matthew declared by Jesus to his disciples. These blessings can be used to help us on Earth treat people

Digging Deeper w/ Rhonda, Michelle, and Lee Ann: Helping Children Feel Safe at School
August 23, 2023

What I try to encourage parents and grandparents to do, is to teach their kids and their grandkids how to connect with Jesus when theyre scared and how to invite him into the room in a real first-person way. Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield.Three women

MOMents with Lori & Lee Ann: Helping Kids Adjust to a New House or New School
August 21, 2023

Once a month, Lori and Lee Ann will discuss complex topics regarding parenting and disciplining to help families have peace in the home and build lifetime connections! Lori Wildenberg is a national speaker, a licensed parent-family educator of over 25 yea

What Does the Word of God Say We Are to Feed Our Children?
August 16, 2023

There is so much nutritional value in many foods mentioned throughout the Bible...During this episode, Lee Ann discusses the many foods on earth that are referenced through out the Bible that we should be feeding our children.In John 6:35, Jesus said,

Tween Book Series Including Mystery, Humor, Superheroes, and the Bible
August 14, 2023

I love it because, unlike todays superhero entertainment for kids, it is so clean, safe, and fun. -Amanda Trumpower.Amanda Trumpower is a writer for Jesus lovers who dig dragons, detectives, and droids. As a follower of Christ, her worldview is based

Helping Kids Explore the Deep Connection between Music and God
August 09, 2023

The Bible says that in Him all things were created in Heaven and on Earth. All things... including music!Music is a tool that allows us and our children to worship the Lord and grow in our faith. It heightens the emotional experience of something and ca
