Raising Christian Kids

Raising Christian Kids

Latest Episodes

A Unique Blend of Fantasy and Faith: Exploring the Towers of Light Series
November 20, 2023

Struggling to find age-appropriate Christian content for your kids? The Towers of Light series is an engaging and educational book series that brings biblical truths to life.Allen Brokken is a teacher at heart, a husband, and a father most of all. He be

How to Help Children Navigate Peer Pressure & Academic Stress
November 15, 2023

Did you know children in high-achieving school districts had higher rates of substance misuse, depression, and anxiety?During this episode, Lee Ann opens a thought-provoking discussion by addressing the competitive culture and the pressure to succeed th

Digging Deeper w/ Rhonda, Michelle, and Lee Ann- Christian Parenting in a Chaotic Culture
November 13, 2023

How can parents courageously stand up against the antichristian influence when they see their teens are being lead down the wrong path?Three women of Christ on a mission have joined together, Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield, Rhonda Stoppe, and Lee Ann Manc

6 Bible Stories Teaching Children About Thankfulness, Gratitude & Appreciation
November 08, 2023

Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate all God has done for us and to get together to give thanks to one another. The Bible is filled with stories that can serve as valuable tools to help children understand the concept of thankfulness and appreciate the ble

Rise of the Enemy: A Devotional Book & Bible Study for Preteen Boys
November 06, 2023

I think the Bible is very clear that God is a warrior god. There are so many times throughout the Old Testament that we see God leading his people into battle against their enemies. I think God has wired our boys to identify with this unique aspect of G

The Impact of Parental Hypocrisy on Children’s Trust and Moral Development
November 01, 2023

Let's create an environment for our children where faith is nurtured, and trust in God is built through consistency, integrity, and authenticity!During this episode, Lee Ann Mancini delves into the importance of embodying godly characteristics as parent

How Can Parents Raise Respectful Children in an Increasingly Disrespectful World?
October 30, 2023

If every rule you have with a child is nonnegotiable, you're going to set up a rebellion because you're raising your child in a prison, not in a home. But if everything in your home is negotiable, every rule is negotiable, well, you're going to set up a

Raising Ethical Leaders: Instilling Faith and Morality in the Next Generation
October 25, 2023

How can faith lessons and moral lessons positively shape the lives of our children?During this episode, Lee Ann Mancini explores the difference between moral and faith lessons and how they are interconnected and play a crucial role in shaping our childr

Digging Deeper w/ Rhonda, Michelle, and Lee Ann- Nurturing Children from Single-parent Homes
October 23, 2023

I think the most obvious thing is just invite them into your home. We do so much healing in our homes The more kids can invite other kids into your home where conversations are happening about life, questions can be asked and answered. I think it gives

Why Humility is Essential for our Children’s Spiritual Growth
October 18, 2023

How can humility contribute to a child's peace of mind and heart?During this episode, Lee Ann explores the importance of instilling humility in our children's hearts. In a world where self-centeredness and personal desires are constantly promoted, it is
