Raising Christian Kids

Raising Christian Kids

Latest Episodes

How Can We Help Children Build a Strong Foundation in Christ That Lasts a Lifetime?
July 05, 2023

Without a solid foundation, it can be hard to instill biblical wisdom and grow godly faith!Often, we speak about raising children to have a strong, unfailing foundation in Christ, to stand up against this ever-increasing evil world. As parents and caret

Dr. Victoria Dunckley: What Does Too Much Screen Time Do to a Kid’s Brain?
July 03, 2023

All of the metabolic issues, the weight gain, the posture issues, we're seeing a lot of visual issues, and of course, the mental health crisis thats going on, all of these things are related to screen time. Dr. Victoria Dunckley.Dr. Victoria Dunckl

5 Simple Tips to Help You Stop the Hurrying & Instead, Enjoy the Blessings
June 28, 2023

In a world full of deadlines, appointments, and obligations, do you sometimes set unrealistic expectations for your children with the hope of success?In today's fast-paced and hectic world, hurrying has become an integral part of our lives. Youve proba

Easy & Fun Ways to Help Your Children Build Lifelong Habits of Praying
June 26, 2023

Looking for a tool to help make praying more fun and fit naturally into your childrens daily routines?Sarah Holmstrom and Stephanie Thurling are two friends who met during their undergrad years and launched a ministry together called Raising Prayerful

Romantic Love, Family Love, Godly Love… How Can We Explain These to Kids?
June 21, 2023

Did you know that experts say around age 5 or 6 is when feelings of romantic love begin to form?It can be challenging to navigate the topic of romance and relationships with our children, especially at a young age. Scientists say falling in love is a co

Confidently Nurturing Deep Faith Roots in Your Kids through Small Habits
June 19, 2023

When we are partnering with God and trusting in him for our childs future, we can parent out of that sense of peace and it helps us build a relationship with them while were helping them build a relationship with God. Christie Thomas.Christie Thomas

MOMents with Lori & Lee Ann: How Do I Know If My Child Has Low Self-esteem Issues?
June 14, 2023

Once a month, Lori and Lee Ann will discuss complex topics regarding parenting and disciplining to help families have peace in the home and work together to build lifetime connections!Lori Wildenberg is a national speaker, a licensed parent-family educat

3 Camp-like Curriculums to Help You Biblically Equip & Disciple Your Child
June 12, 2023

How can we bring about life transformation in the hearts of our children so that they wont only just live for Christ, but theyll go out into the world equipped to share the gospel of Jesus and his transforming power with others? -Joleen Steel.Joleen

Dr. Joshua Straub Offers Guidance to Help Parents Show Up Intentionally for Their Families
June 08, 2023

When we make it about us, what we do is that we fail to enter into those small momentsThose small moments are what gives us relational capital later for our kids to come to us in big moments. -Dr. Joshua Straub.Dr. Josh Straub is a speaker, author, m

How to Raise Kids to Serve God Today so They Can Transform the World Tomorrow
June 05, 2023

Everything you need for your marriage, for raising your children, and for yourself, its all there in the Word of God. -Mary Garcia.Mary Garcia is a family pastor and has a masters degree in marriage and family counseling and has been a certified bib
