Ask A Punk

Ask A Punk

Latest Episodes

Supplemental Material 1-3
July 16, 2020

Instead of defining any new terms, we're going to comb back through the first three episodes and lay out some concrete methods to combat struggles from each section. Having troubles getting ideas? Dice. Having trouble with your brand? Think about the defi

The Cultural Dialogue
July 09, 2020

While some fans go to great lengths to 'separate the art from the artist,' you, as the artist, can't do that. And that opens up a whole can of uncomfortable questions like, "Who counts as what?" / "Am I commodifying myself?" / and for good-hearted people

July 02, 2020

The inescapable nature of patterns, the human obsession with context, and unlikely praise for Jimmy Buffett. Branding can feel bad, but it's how the world not just sees, but understands you and your art. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The

Your Creative Process
June 25, 2020

We're here to make art, starting from scratch! But first,  we have to figure out what kind of creative you are. By identifying three major roles, you can find the best use of your skills, and learn to work on your weaknesses. Whether you're on a team
