my other half and I: the podcast

my other half and I: the podcast

Latest Episodes

shopping day and living life
June 03, 2021

we talk about our fantastic shopping day (everyone needs one) and the future. Some silly stories may occur:)

Raquel and Lilli are back and worse than ever with their hilarious tragedy improv podcast.
April 26, 2021

Hey dont worry but there is a dark figure standing behind you, oh gosh, theyre getting closer and theres something in their hand, look out, right behind you, what could it be??!! Oh, its just someone who wants you to eat wasabi for $5. youll be fine

Lunch Break chitchat
March 09, 2021

Raquel and Lilli talk about nothing like they always do

Guys what is happening we don’t even know (sorry)
August 09, 2020

hey guys it us again!!! This week we talked about nothing really, but it’s fun to listen to so go ahead... listen... I dare you... do it...anyway follow the ig @myotherhalfandipodcast and we hope you all are doing well and we love you and have a cheery re

Update corner!
August 06, 2020

follow us @myotherhalfandipodcast ———Love you all-L+R

Breaking into Jack Septiceye’s house????? insane( are we even real )
July 16, 2020

We talk about things I’m sure, you can just listen and find out I guess. Stay tuned for an epic song at the end. Gonna make an ig page for you folks

How we met???? not clickbait- stay till end for goodnight lullaby
July 05, 2020

Raquel and Lilli do a name reveal(oooh!!) and talk about how they met. Very exciting. They remember it differently. At the end they sing a moving heartfelt lullaby for those going to sleep. love and kisses

Episode 1: Thank you for 7 billion listeners, and 49 billion comments!
June 26, 2020

Raquel and Lilli talk about absolutely nothing! Its not very funny, and mostly nonsense. Leave a comment if you can guess who is who by our voices. $50 if you can guess which one of us is black. kisses
