Kids These Days Podcast

Kids These Days Podcast

Latest Episodes

CW/TW: Trauma-Informed Care Principles and Practices
November 24, 2021

On today's episode, we are talking about Trauma-informed Care Practices and Principles. This is Part 4, in our four-part series on Trauma, Toxic Stress, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACESs), Resilience and Trauma-informed Care Practices and Principl

CW/TW: Resilience
November 17, 2021

On today's episode, we are talking about Resilience. This is Part 3, in our four-part series on Trauma, Toxic Stress, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACESs), Resilience and Trauma-informed Care Practices and Principles. Please take care of YOU as you

EN ESPANOL: Cada Comportamiento es Comunicación
November 10, 2021

¿Como enseñamos la empatia? ¿Que hacemos con el comportamiento dificil?Vamos a hablar sobre como ayudarles a los niños a comprender emociones y ayudarles a nombrar lo que sienten. Hablamos sobre el comportamiento y como este es una manera en que los niños

November 03, 2021

On today's episode, we are talking about Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). This is Part 2, in our four-part series on Trauma, Toxic Stress, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACESs), Resilience and Trauma-informed Care Practices and Princi

They're Not Okay!
October 27, 2021

On today's episode,  Stephanie talks about a common phrase we say to children: “you’re ok.” But, she spins it differently.  If they’re expressing these emotions, are they actually ok?  She discusses moving from general attempts at reassurance to vali

CW/TW: Brain Architecture and Toxic Stress
October 20, 2021

On today's episode, we are talking about Brain Architecture and Toxic Stress. This is Part 1, in our four-part series on Trauma, Toxic Stress, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACESs), Resilience and Trauma-informed Care Practices and Principles. Please

UNSCRIPTED: Balance, Accessing the Village, Binge liking, How to spell my name, and WELCOME HANEY to her first UNSCRIPTED episode!
October 13, 2021

On today's UNSCRIPTED episode, we are welcoming Haney to her first ever UNSCRIPTED episode! We’re also checking in with Ruddy to get the real-real on life with TWO littles!  Podcasts referenced in today’s episode: How Preschool Teachers Do It: https:

BIG questions for LITTLE children
October 06, 2021

On today's episode, Stephanie Haney joins us with her DEBUT episode where she talks about BIG questions for LITTLE children! Open-ended questioning supports reflection, gets them to think critically, and increases self-control over time. Not only doe

EN ESPANOL: Los Sentimientos Tienen Nombre
September 29, 2021

¿Qué haces cuando te enojas? ¿Como sientes tu felicidad? Cuando estas triste ¿como lidias con tus sentimientos? En nuestro primer episodio del podcast en español, hablaremos de las emociones. Si, las emociones cursi pero ¡muy importantes! Vamos a hablar d

UNSCRIPTED: Shutting the book and moving on, Resilience, and a VERY HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY to RIO!!!!
September 22, 2021

On today's UNSCRIPTED episode, we are talking about some new and exciting things that will be happening on the podcast! As well as, a little talk about resilience, the state of the childcare workforce, and having your co-worker’s back. And most impor
