Personal Growth, Self improvement, Mind and Business, Know and Grow Your Value Podcast

Personal Growth, Self improvement, Mind and Business, Know and Grow Your Value Podcast

Latest Episodes

Explore Other People Prospective - The 6+9 Rule -
March 30, 2022

We are all different and we all think differently.That is why in this episode Nick Camarda will teach the best way to explore other people's perspectives.The 6+9 rule is the most powerful tool that you can use in your daily life and create a real con

Mental Routine in your life - Nick Camarda
March 06, 2022

Every day for the rest of your life your routine will influence the perception of your life, imagine what your mental routine can do for you.Powerful or not your brain loves routine because it is predictable for your body to be efficient and every time yo

The best way to see Yoursef - Personal Development Podcast
February 19, 2022

What do you think when you see yourself in the mirror??what a Cool and looking guy;This guy is broke and tired;two very different thoughts about yourself.Of course we already know which one is more powerful but in reality it can be hard to see yourself in

How to stop racisms - I'm a Human of planet Earth.
January 25, 2022

After a while I'm happy to share my opinion on this topic. Lot of people most of the time create differences when they are not supposed to.We create races to distinge people from all over the world.This is very helpful when we need to find or describ

You are a Leader anyways - Nick Camarda
January 13, 2022

Think of the most successful leaders on this planet...Now think of your leadership...Right. You look like a nobody, but trust me. This is not true.You are a leader anyway. YES.YOU ARE A LEADER.In this episode I will give some good advice on how to recogni

Use Your Persistence in the right way - social episode Italy
December 28, 2021

Who ever resist most can never win with Persistence.Think of your last failure. Did you persist enough?Did you put all your 100%?Did you get the answer that your were looking for? Now here a role that save my journey more than once.In this special episode

If I'm not having fun... I don't wanna do it - Nick Camarda
December 17, 2021

Don't be too serius or too professional, in this episode i will teach you a 5 sec. roles that save a lot of time to bulit a halthy and strong relationship of any type. Work, business, friends, family.After this episode you will have so much more fun

How can Manage Coincidences - Nick Camarda
December 03, 2021

Did you ever try to understand coincidences?Unfortunately most people only try to label it and not analyze it.My opinion is that there are no good or bad coincidences, it's just a reality that makes you think this is a benefit or a challenge for me.D

The 3 Keys to Be Authentic
November 23, 2021

It's really important to be authentic but now... what can i do to make sure I'm being authentic?Here are 3 keys to being authentic, 3 special and simple steps to assure you are on the right path to be an authentic human being. Of course saying i

Set High Standard in Your Life - Nick Camarda
November 17, 2021

If you are wondering how your life can be more efficent, this episode is for you.How can set up better standard for yourself. Here my personal example on my life that can help you to decide where improve your life.Don't compare to other people and se
