Audio bursts of a business artist

Audio bursts of a business artist

Latest Episodes

Startup CEO
March 26, 2021

Startup CEO covers everything from authentic leadership to storytelling, growing and managing your organisation to governance and finally exiting the company.

Marketing 5.0
March 18, 2021

Marketing 5.0 talks about the marketing symbiosis of humans and machines in customer experience creation with five different generations, prosperity polarisation and the digital divide.

Miscommunication is the norm
January 24, 2021

Remote communication puts the noise level higher. ! It's safe to assume that what you intend to communicate is not heard the same way by the recipient.

Why we do what we do
December 04, 2020

Dr. Helena Boschi has put together an extensive overview of different aspects of neuroscience research and knowledge that is easy to grasp and not too academic. It explains the basic mechanisms simply and has practical applications for personal life as we

What’s the question -approach
November 24, 2020

What is the question where the answer is what you're doing right now? If you don't like the outcome you have pinpointed the problem.

Business validation
November 17, 2020

You need market validation for a product/market fit. But whose opinion matters?

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant
November 12, 2020

Eric Jorgenson has done a great service for all the millions of people who're interested in Naval Ravikant's thoughts and ideas.

Tiny things matter
November 09, 2020

If you cannot do this small thing properly how do you expect me to believe you can do the big things right?

Money now and money in the future
November 03, 2020

How to balance your short-term goals and needs with your long-term vision and mission? What is the way to have a strategic mindset when you're building your business?

Your Music and People, Hell Yeah or No, and Anything You Want by Derek Sivers
October 28, 2020

When Derek Sivers talks people listen. Your Music and People is one of the best marketing books you can read.
