Open Loops with Greg Bornstein: Conversations That Bend

Open Loops with Greg Bornstein: Conversations That Bend

Latest Episodes

The Shhhhhhhhh! Series: Manifestation In 2021 - Part Two with Ramona Galey, Vibrational Mentor and Opra Channel
September 07, 2021

There's more to living the Law of Attraction than watching "The Secret"? Really?! Also, can you still call it "The Secret" if everyone's been talking about it for over 15 years? At Open Loops, to th

The Shhhhhhhhh! Series: Manifestation In 2021 - Part One with Ed Langan, Master Mindset Coach and Psychic
September 06, 2021

There's more to living the Law of Attraction than watching "The Secret"? Really?! Also, can you still call it "The Secret" if everyone's been talking about it for over 15 years? At Open Loops, to th

NFTs: Now Trending In Heaven with Joan of Angels
September 04, 2021

Joan of Angels (not "self-proclaimed") joins Greg to tell the story of how she received her name, her profound metaphysical healing experiences, and how celestial beings commissioned her for no less t

How to Time Travel and Teleport Yourself with Rainbow Emperor and Time Lord James Wright
September 01, 2021

James Wright, Sovereign Seraph Angel Divine King, Rainbow Emperor Lord, & Ascended Master...but most importantly for this episode, TIME LORD, joins Greg to discuss his DOT Training Kit which has given

Hear This Episode, Hear Yourself: Consciously Co-Creating a New Earth with Co-Creation Global's Bob Jayco
August 30, 2021

Bob Jayco, Editor in Chief of Co-Creation Magazine and Founder of the Co-Creation Global Movement, joins Greg to have an infinitely interesting conversation (ie. Greg didn't even want to ask questions

BONUS: Interview with Konrad Custer
June 25, 2020

Konrad is an actor, director, and musician in New York City. Greg is his assistant director with the NYC branch of American Immersion Theater (IE. He's the boss). He's mystical, he's funny, he'll charm you, he'll elevate your consciousness. And then he'll

Interview with New York City Actor and Artist Justin Chevalier
June 25, 2020

Today we interview Justin Chevalier. It's a lively conversation about the state of theatre and being an artist in June 2020 America. From remaining an actor when you're not working on anything to why the alien invasions might just bring us all together, i

Who Shot Abraham Lincoln?: The Conspiracy Episode
June 24, 2020

Today we delve into Greg's obsession with conspiracies. Part meditation, part informative, part explication of "conspiracy agnosticism," (the philosophical framework from where Greg operates within this realm of intellectual exploration)- you may or may n

Hypno-Trance Circle Dance
June 19, 2020

We continue to unpack the teachings from Mike Mandel's Hypnosis Training Academy and James Tripp's Deep Hypnosis Apprenticeship. Do you really need trance in hypnosis? Does G-d exist? Greg's said it before, but you're still confused: what the $#@! is hypn

Future Reviews Part Two
June 16, 2020

Speculative criticism - what better for an escapist? Andrew R. Chow, Annabel Gutterman, Katy Steinmetz wrote a Time Magazine article called, “45 New Books You Need to Read This Summer.” I’m not gonna read most of these books, but I’m still reviewi
