Open Loops with Greg Bornstein: Conversations That Bend

Open Loops with Greg Bornstein: Conversations That Bend

Latest Episodes

Hollywood Exposé: Tinseltown Tales Too Taboo for Turner with Investigative Researcher Donald Jeffries
December 09, 2021

Donald Jeffries is exactly the guest Greg wanted. Sure, Hollywood had its Golden Age. There's a cultural reverence for the Studio System. Greg loves those movies. Turner Classics, anything Black-and-

Einstein The Shaman: Sounds, Scalar Waves and Your Body's Secret Song with Frequency Medicine Practitioner Marla Moss
December 07, 2021

Marla Moss, Frequency Medicine Practitioner, has a way of instantly detecting all your baggage and maladies, just by hearing you speak. No, she's not just someone who's had a lot of bad first dates.

Lucifer Doesn't Need X-Ray Glasses: Ingo Swann and the Accurate History of Remote Viewing with Operational Remote Viewer, David Powell
December 01, 2021

Did you know the US Government paid lots and lots of money to study psychic powers for military means? Did you know they're probably still using their newfound abilities today but just aren't saying

A Casual Stroll 'Cross Your Golden Bridge of Consciousness with Katja Matosevic, Transformational Mindset Strategist
November 23, 2021

Katja Matosevic is Italy's "Wonder Woman of the Mind." That's what Greg's calling her anyways. 'Cause she practices EVERYTHING. Katja's a Certified Life & Mental Coach, NLP Practitioner, Hypnother

Episode CLXXII Return of Djedi: The Ancient Secret Orders with Researcher Stophe
November 18, 2021

Everything about history they DON'T want you to know.... One of the most mind-blowing episodes yet! Researcher Stophe, notorious Clubhouse speaker and presenter on all things ancient history, spiri

The Entire Akashic Records: Now Available on Kindle with Soul Blueprint Aligner Julia Wesley
November 16, 2021

Julia Wesley, Spiritual Teacher, Soul Blueprint Aligner, and Akashic Records reader, joins Greg to discuss what some refer to as the greatest living library of all, the library of our collective souls

Crystal Cojones: The Return of Nostradamus? with Astropsychologist and Celebrity Astrologer Dr. Turi
November 11, 2021

Gabby Petito, 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, Covid....Dr. Turi claims he predicted them all. And if Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and David Icke trust his counsel....well

Self Love Hamilton with Life Mastery Coach Jonathan Troen
November 09, 2021

Yes Broadway fans. You don't have to wait in line at the lottery. You don't have to pay $150 for an obstructed view. You don't even have to subscribe to Disney Plus and cancel it a week later. If Li

Strippers, Twin Flames, and Manifesting Your Life Partner with Ella Ayana, The Love Magnet
November 04, 2021

Do you believe in true love? Do you believe in soul-mates? Do you strippers? Ella Ayana, former adult dancer, twin flame enthusiast, and spiritually attuned "Love Magnet" works with pe

#VanAfterLife with Psychic Medium Melissa Divine
November 02, 2021

Melissa Divine, Psychic Medium and Van-Traveling Spirit "Networker", joins Greg to talk about how she became conscious of her innate abilities to connect to those who have passed over, while stripping
