Movies at Home!

Movies at Home!

Latest Episodes

Episode 32 – Would that it twuuuh so simple
July 26, 2021

This week’s line-up spans nearly 100 years and surprisingly it’s a videogame adaptation that tops the week as the most progressive of the group. Also, we accidentally fibbed when we said we were going

Episode 31 – Tappin’ that ass. Tappin’ that ass!
July 19, 2021

We round off the G’s with one of Robin Williams’ all-time great performances and a trio of female-led genre-spanning movies. This week’s line-up: Good Morning, Vietnam; Gravity; Grindhouse: Planet Ter

Episode 30 – I’m sorry! AUUUUGHH!!!
July 14, 2021

Some undisputed all-time greats make up this week’s line-up as we go get our shinebox. This week’s line-up: Gone Girl; Gone With The Wind; The Good, The Bad and The Ugly; Goodfellas.

Episode 29 – Atomic Tuna, Radioactive Fallout
June 28, 2021

The King himself graces our undeserving podcast this week. And no, not the one that met his end on the loo! We’re talking about the king of the monsters himself, Godzilla! This week’s line-up: Godzill

Episode 28 – I got two gabagool, capacol, and a prosciut!
June 22, 2021

We made a podcast episode that you cannot refuse. This week is comprosied solely of a marathon of the daddy of modern cinema as we know it: The Godfather, The Godfather Part Two, and The Godfather Cod

Episode 27 – Tear it up, tear it up!
June 14, 2021

This week we got a visual feast complimented by some of the greatest performances of all time. The line-up includes: Ghost In The Shell (1995), Ghost In the Shell (2017), The Girl With The Dragon Tatt

Episode 3 – Don’t Just Stare at It, Eat It.
June 22, 2020

This week we return to normal with an ecclectic mix of movies that span gangster epics to existential heady sci-fi. We discuss American Gangster, American Psycho, Amores Perros, and Annihilation.

Episode 2 – Assholes and Elbows
June 15, 2020

This week’s episode is an Alien extravaganza! We talk about Alien: Covenant, Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, and Alien: Resurrection. As you’ll hear us lament, we stupidly did not think to change the rules until after the fact, hence the glaring omission of Prome

Episode 1 – Open the Pod Bay Doors
June 07, 2020

On this inagural episode, we talk about the process for choosing movies as well as the rules for viewing nontraditional “movies”. We talk about 12 Monkeys, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Perfect Circle: aMotion, Adele, and Aladdin(1992).
