

Latest Episodes

Revolution? Reform? Social Change...
March 04, 2021

Social Justice is the issue of the day and Tish Beauford is on the forefront of that battle...a battle she has been waging for years now.  Join Tish and I as we discuss the state of race relations along with the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities.  

Saving Faith...
February 03, 2021

I was born and raised in the faith of my (fore)fathers, just the way a number of us were.  But, we've seen a tremendous amount of kids leaving the faith of their fathers while transitioning into adulthood.  Why?  What can be done?  Sho

This Ain't Your Grandmother's World
December 09, 2020

This ain't your grandmother's world.  Not in the least.  Things that were not are being reframed, retrained, and rebuilt before our very eyes.  You've heard talk of the good old days...but not everyone remembers them quite so fondly.  

A Muslim in the Bible Belt
November 25, 2020

Milia Islam-Majeed stopped by to regale us with stories of faith, acceptance, belonging, and the Bible Belt!  Growing up as a religious minority in the Bible Belt, she learned first hand the hard lessons of prejudice and overcoming.  Hers is a s

Life, Violence & Authenticity
November 11, 2020

Dancing through life enjoying every minute...until...something comes along to change it.  For Nurjahan Boulden, that time came in 2006.  While in Canada to attend a family wedding, she went out with family to go dancing.  Sitting at this ro

Living and Learning and Growing
October 28, 2020

Live and learn.  That's what we all do.  Rabbis are no different.   In this episode, Rabbi Zachary Zysman shares some amazing family stories and how those stories have shaped his life.  Family history can enrich our lives and provide c

Art Just for the Sake of Art?
October 14, 2020

Ars Gratia Artis (art for art's sake) so goes the Latin phrase.  But is it true?  Do we produce art simply for the enjoyment of ourselves and, hopefully, others?  Or, does it do more? Does it need to do more?  Join Terrilynn Moore and

Engaging those employees
September 30, 2020

"Employee Engagement" is thrown around like a faddish buzzword of the corporate world.  But does it really exist?  While much ink has been spilled on this very issue, execution...shall we say...varies.  John's got some answers on this stuff

Building Peace through Faith
September 16, 2020

Building peace through faith seems like a pretty tall order but that is exactly what Tasneem Noor is doing.  Isn't that people fight about?  Does it have to be that way?   In this episode, we define faith (it takes me a

Does Education have a Purpose?
September 02, 2020

Does education have a purpose? Is it to produce an informed citizenry or economic actors?  At its best, education can be a tool used to empower others.  Does "others" include everyone or just a select few? Join Benoni Pantoja and me this week as
