Inner Sculpting -By My Creator

Inner Sculpting -By My Creator

Latest Episodes

The Book Of Daniel
September 20, 2021

Introduction & Chapter 1 --- Send in a voice message:

Ruth Chapter-4
June 29, 2021

4 1 ✝Then Boaz went out to the gate and seated himself there, and when the kinsman of whom Boaz had spoken came by Boaz said to him, “Come, friend, turn aside, sit down here”. And he turned aside and sat down. 2 ✽And he brought ten of the elders of the

Ruth Chapter-3
June 28, 2021

3 1 ✝Then her mother-in-law Naomi said to her, “My daughter, shall I not look for a place for you to rest,✽ so that it will be well with you?   2 And now is not Boaz, with whose maid servants you have been working, our relative? Look, tonight he will b

Ruth Chapter-2
June 28, 2021

2 1 And Naomi had a kinsman on her husband’s side, a wealthy man of the family of Elimelech, and his name was Boaz. 2 And Ruth the Moabitess said to Naomi, “Let me now go to the field and glean heads of grain✽ after someone who looks on me with favour”.

Ruth Chapter-1
June 26, 2021

1 1 Now it came about in the days when the judges ruled,✽ that there was a famine in the land.✽ And a certain man of Bethlehem in Judah went to live for a time in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons.   2 And the man’s name was Elimele

The Book of Ruth -Introduction
June 26, 2021

During the Time of the Judges, 11th Century, B.C --- Send in a voice message:

Esther Chapter -10
June 18, 2021

10 1 ✽And King Ahasuerus imposed a tax on the land and on the islands of the sea.   2 And all the acts of his power and of his might, and the account of the greatness of Mordecai, to which the king advanced him, are they not written in the book of the

Esther Chapter -9
June 17, 2021

9 1 Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar✽, on the thirteenth day, when the king’s command and decree were about to be carried out, on the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them, the reverse happened; the Jews gained t

Esther Chapter -8
June 16, 2021

8 1 On that day King Ahasuerus gave the house of Haman✽ the Jews’ enemy to Esther the queen. And Mordecai came before the king, for Esther had told how he was related to her. ఆ రోజే అహష్‌వేరోషు చక్రవర్తి యూదుల శత్రువైన హామాను✽ ఇంటిని ఎస్తేరురాణికి ఇచ్చా

Esther Chapter-7
June 15, 2021

7 1 So the king and Haman came to the banquet with Esther the queen.   2 ✽And again the king said to Esther, on the second day at the banquet of wine, “What is your petition, queen Esther? It will be granted you. And what is your request? Even up to ha
