Nvzble Man

Nvzble Man

Latest Episodes

Nvzble Man 134 AM 6.15.2020 Bow ya head and Job Saw the Gold
June 23, 2020

In these perilous and volatile times both personally and in our greater society, I have become more aware of my powerlessness. It has been on my heart to pray more than I ever have before to the One who is omnipotent. Not just as another religious routine

Nvzble Man 436 PM 6.14.2020 Lil Dog take Big Dog and Just Mercy
June 23, 2020

While on a quick lunch break I reflect on a few recent words of wisdom and one of my new favorite movies, Just Mercy. Oh yeah, and I sing a lil bit

Nvzble Man 7 AM 6.14.2020 Double-mindedness and Grocery Shopping
June 23, 2020

Knowing your true identity and walking in your divine purpose daily is not easy. I feel like I’m finally figuring it out. I get real honest about my tendency to ride the Christian fence, desire to see my kids, and recap my struggle grocery shopping as a b

Nvzble Man 1111 AM 6.12.2020 Humility and Starting Over
June 23, 2020

After just releasing a ton of random thoughts about my day, I’ve decided to save those for a private audio journal. I highly encourage everyone to start their own journal of some form. I’ve learned that audio recordings work best for me more than written,
