Mindset Is everything

Mindset Is everything

Latest Episodes

How to build momentum
June 02, 2021

We often underestimate the power of momentum which is a super force that revolutionize your life in way you can't imagine lets understand how we can build it

Power of Why
May 29, 2021

We all know strong why connected with strong emotions can create miracles, So lets understand its power and harness it for ourself

Power of Choices
May 11, 2021

We all take daily choices for us or against us and most of time we are not aware of it lets understand power of choices and change our life

How to deal with tough times
May 07, 2021

Tough times can break us or make us .One thing we should that response to any situation is in our hand. Lets conquer our problems

Tips to triumph your week
April 16, 2021

One week is a starting point for most of achievements and a lot can change in one week if we set our minds to it, Let's plan our week with perfection and win our dreams

What's things to do to have a perfect day
April 14, 2021

Our life is results continues habits we perform daily and often we don't have a blueprint of what to do in the day, In this podcast I have tried to give you roadmap for your day and get best Results

How to build Self Discipline
April 08, 2021

Often in life we require self discipline to achieve every dream and desire of life but we don't know how to build it and where to begun, So this podcast is for those who really want to be the best in the World

Let's Get Rid of Programmed Mentality of Society
March 13, 2021

We often have big dreams in childhood but because of programmed mentality of our Society we get stuck in a rat race where we spend our entire life working for someone else and Making Them Rich. Let's break this mindset and Become Independent

How to Learn anything in 20 hours
February 16, 2021

Often we want to learn new skills and things but we procrastinate by saying that we don't have enough time for learning. So today in this podcast I want to share with you how you can learn anything you want by simple 4 basic steps

2021 Action Plan and Mindset
January 29, 2021

We started with a thought that what if this is your Last year of your life and in this podcast we will get mindset and action plan on how to make This The Very Best Year of Your Life
