Moving On

Moving On

Latest Episodes

Part One!!!!
April 05, 2020

Prank on my friend plus top 12 things to do in the summer!! :) Enjoy cutie!!

Its Back :(
April 04, 2020

Go through this with me if you can and want. Just giving an update about myself. :(

Sexuality and some BONUS TEA TIME :)
April 03, 2020

Hey y'all welcome back! Just going to have story time and talk about my experiences with my sexuality. Plus some bonus content i did not intend to talk about! :)) But ohh well lmao.. Enjoy cutie :)

TEA TIME and a little sermon for y'all!!!!!
April 02, 2020

Sooo just going to say whats been going on and what i'm missing out on because of corona virus..... Plus a little word of Jesus to calm y'all hopefully and just because I want to share the Good Lords' Word!! Amen.! okayyyy enjoy cuties :)

Weed and Alcohol Babes :)
March 28, 2020

Okayyy this is going to be a different episode for y'all.!! This is kinda the other side of me so just listen and enjoy:) Plus a shout out for a couple of my friends "Keeping Up With The Boys" so go check out their podcast. :)

Second Episode
March 26, 2020

You're back :) So i'm just picking it back up from yesterday and also i'm going to get into school, new relationships, and the old me. Enjoy!

First Episode!!!!
March 25, 2020

Heyy:)   This is my background and how I got to where I am today in Virginia. Also going to talk about the beginning and happy moments of my latest relationship that just ended. Not going to get to the sad and hard parts of it till the next epis

Intro Episode
March 25, 2020

This is just an intro to let you guys know who I am and what these upcoming podcasts are going to be about!
