showpodcast Archives - Roger Frost: science, sensors and automation

showpodcast Archives - Roger Frost: science, sensors and automation

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Scientists at work 09 The statistician – choosing a university
December 01, 2015

Looking for a place at Oxbridge? This show looks at the information available to help students make a better choice of university. Roger Frost talks to former college admissions tutor John Green on the need for scientific data and intelligent ways to a...

Scientists at work 08 The journal editor – parasitology and parasites
November 24, 2015

Journal editor Sally Hirst talks about a group of micro-organisms called parasites. -   Tagged biology, health 30/06/2012

Scientists at work 07 The gardener – weeds and herbicides
November 17, 2015

As the season switched from spring to summer we look at weedkillers. How do weedkillers (aka herbicides) work? How can a weedkiller target one plant and not another? Roger Frost asked plant scientist, Chris Creese and gained some intriguing answers.

Scientists at work 06 The conservation scientist – about the IUCN
November 10, 2015

The ‘International Union for Conservation of Nature’ is the world’s oldest and largest environmental organisation and has a base in Cambridge in Huntingdon Road. Nicola Terry hears from with the IUCN’s Rebecca Miller about her work. -

Scientists at work 05 The science teacher – writing a dictionary of science jargon
November 03, 2015

Cambridge science teacher Dr William Hirst tells Roger Frost how learning the language of science can improve children’s success at school. Dr Hirst is the author of a science dictionary for ages 10 -14 called “William’s Words in Science” -

Scientists at work 04 The technical specialist – mobile phone signal reception
October 06, 2015

Chris Cox  of IPACCESS in Cambourne explains to Roger Frost how mobile phones talk to radio masts; how signals decrease inside buildings and how femtocells (aka ‘small cells’) can improve a weak signal. Follow-up link IP access -

Scientists at work 03 The inventor – making an IR camera for art museums
September 29, 2015

When the news told of the discovery of ‘another’ Mona Lisa, Roger Frost visited local inventor Lawrence Robinson of OPUS Instruments.  He learned about the OSIRIS infra-red camera which had been used to verify the find by ‘seeing’ under the paint of pa...

Scientists at work 02 The diet doctor – promoting a Mediterranean diet
September 22, 2015

The sponsors of the London Olympic games included a fizzy drink maker; a fast food restaurant and a chocolate brand, so we go in search of advice on a healthy diet. Cambridge doctor Simon Poole offered his knowledge on healthy food.

Astronomy with Paul Fellows of Cambridge Astronomical Association + astronomy events in Cambridge
January 26, 2015

What is about the study of the stars that captivates so many? Paul Fellows of the Cambridge Astronomical Association explains about his subject. Hear about dark matter, isotopes, space probes and the association's weekly events in Cambridge. And that’s

Ensuring quality wheat - CAMGRAIN 105science
November 08, 2014

This podcast is about what happens when wheat leaves the farm. We take up the story after the August crop harvest and speak with Dr Andrew Wingate who tells how CAMGRAIN deliver quality assured wheat. Ideas in this show:  How is wheat tested and cl
