Money Girl

Money Girl

Latest Episodes

Am I Investing Too Much for Retirement?
May 31, 2024

Laura answers listeners retirement questions about whether youre investing too much and the tax-advantaged account rules after age 59.5.

8 Debt Payoff Methods You Should Know
August 09, 2023

While you might think all debt is bad, some can actually improve your finances.

6 Smart Steps for Managing a Cash Windfall
August 02, 2023

Before making decisions about a cash windfall, you must identify its purpose.

UGMA and UTMA Accounts—Understanding the Benefits and Drawbacks
July 26, 2023

Minors typically cant own assets in their name; however, states have adopted laws that allow a custodian to hold assets for a minor until they become an adult (usually 18 or 21, depending on where yo

Financial Wisdom, Stories, and Lessons–Celebrating 15 Years of Money Girl
July 19, 2023

When I say I've created over 700 shows and recorded my first episode over 15 years ago, people often look stunned and tell me they can't believe it. Well, neither can I!

How Consolidating Credit Card Debt Affects Your Credit Scores
July 12, 2023

Consolidating credit card debt comes with several pros and cons, depending on the details.

How Much Retirement Savings You Should Have by Age
July 05, 2023

Figuring out how much you should save for retirement can seem more like an art than a science, especially if youre unclear about critical planning variables. Thats why having a benchmark for the amo

9 Savvy Credit Building Tips for Better Finances
June 28, 2023

Good credit helps you save money and improve your finances in other ways, even if you never borrow a dime.

Counterintuitive Money Advice–9 Surprising Tips That Build Wealth
June 21, 2023

It's easy to follow intuitive financial advice, but don't overlook powerful counterintuitive tips. Laura reviews nine tips for building wealth that may surprise you but lead to more financial success.

7 Secrets to Build Financial Resilience Post-Pandemic
June 14, 2023

While no one can eliminate money stressors, there are affordable ways to reduce them, protect your finances, and boost your peace of mind.