WellSeekers with Lucia

WellSeekers with Lucia

Re-Kindle & Re-Spark Romance With This SIMPLE Advice

July 06, 2018

Are you in a marriage or long term relationship that needs some SIMPLE and REAL LIFE ways to rekindle your romance?

According to a recent Reader's Digest article that you can find here, 15-20% of married couples are in sexless marriages. There are many reasons we can be in sexless marriages, stress, lack of time or lack of emotional connection and intimacy are some of the leading reasons.

In this episode, Family Life Coach & Founder of the website Blended & Black, Naja Hall, joins us to talk about some of the more tangible ways to start to rekindle closeness.

While emotional intimacy is a lengthier topic (and one we will dive into in another episode,) Naja's tips are certain to help re-spark some connection and touch if you are one of the 15-20% wanting to have sex with your partner, but not sure where to start again!

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