Wealth Unplugged

Wealth Unplugged

Money, Sex & Power – The Ultimate Connection

August 21, 2014

Hey there! Welcome back to another episode of Wealth Unplugged.

This week, I bring you some great tips on business and navigating the connection between money, sex and power from my Feminine Wealth TV interview with renowned sex and relationship expert Dr. Nikki Goldstein.

Takeaway #1 - Let go of the 'should be' curse

We always look at society's norms and take that as our guide to mold our being. We take on that norm to mold ourselves into something that we are not. The only thing that we need to do is figure out what we want to do, who we want to be and where we want to be. The only person that we SHOULD BE is the person we WANT to be.

In relation to business/success, we should take on the risk to do what we want and not just pursue the career that we are good at. Just because you are good at something, doesn't mean you ‘should’ do it. Passion is very important! When you are passionate about what you are doing, the more likely you are to be successful because you LOVE what you do and not because it is what you SHOULD do.

Takeaway #2 - Sell them what they want then give them what they need !

In business we often try to sell something that we know our clients need. The problem is that what people need and what they want can be totally different things!
Just like a mum who hides green veggies inside of chocolate so her kids get what they need disguised as something they want, you as a business owner need to think about how you cleverly package up what your clients need into something they want and will buy !

Takeaway #3 - Money, sex and power are energetically interlinked.

For women the concepts of money, sex and power have always been very masculine concepts. We tend to shy away from talking about them or admitting that we are a little put off by them. Interestingly each of these ‘energies’ come from the root chakra energy center in the body. After centuries of men dominating these areas are women less open in this particular chakra and how does that affect our ability to lead and to embrace these strong energies.
I'd love to hear your thoughts! Share what you learned from this podcast in the comments below.