Washington Babylon

Washington Babylon

Episode 22: John Prince and Shannah Kurland on the Community Safety Act & the Gang Database

October 24, 2019

In part two of our report on the Providence Community Safety Act and the illegal so-called “Gang Database” maintained by the Providence Police, we speak with longtime African American radical community organizer John Prince about being Black under the police reign of terror. Next we talk to Attorney Shannah Kurland, who recently authored the legal complaint that the Providence Youth Student Movement (PrYSM) filed in a lawsuit against the City, the Police Department, Mayor Jorge Elorza, and other Providence officials for the maintenance of the Gang Database despite municipal law demanding its abolition. With everything from police being blown up on exploding boats by the mob to sexually assaulting women and civilians monitoring their behavior, this is a set of interviews you won’t want to miss.

Click Here to Listen to Part 1!

For more info on the Community Safety Act and how Rhode Islanders can get involved, click here!

Folks, we are approaching the end of the year, meaning it is time for tax-deductible charitable donations. If you have the ability, please consider supporting members organizations of the coalition responsible for passing the Community Safety Act and holding the City of Providence accountable. So if you have the ability, please consider donating to Direct Action for Rights and Equality (DARE) via <https://bit.ly/dare-to-give> and the Providence Youth Student Movement (PrYSM) via <https://secure.actblue.com/donate/prysm>