Universal Geek

Universal Geek

Universal Geek Podcast Discusses Pokemon Go

September 06, 2016

Thank you all for your patience while we revamped our podcast. We hope you enjoy the new format.
The Universal Geek podcast is now once a month instead of once a week. This makes the 90 minute runtime a bit more easy to consume seeing as you have 4 weeks or so to listen to it all. And instead of discussing geek news, which honestly there are so many blogs doing such a good job of it we barely can scratch the surface, we are doing ‘deep dives’ on specific topics.
This week, we are discussing the new mobile gaming sensation Pokemon Go.
Sit back and turn the stream to maximum bandwidth – the new Universal Geek podcast is about to start!

Record Date: 8/30/2016
Release Date: 9/6/2016
Panel: Bleu Caldwell, Jeff Couturier, Ryan Bond, Sean Francis
The General History of Pokemon from Video Game, Card Game, and Cartoon
The franchise was created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995
Shared between Nintendo, Game Freaks, and Creatures – Nintendo owns the trademark
Originally a pair of games for the Nintendo Game Boy.
Created 1995 Target audience born 1985 (10 year olds)
That audience is now in late 20’s/early 30’s (25 to 35)

They are parents now!

The Security/Privacy Issues of Pokemon Go

* http://www.politifact.com/ohio/article/2016/jul/14/pokemon-go-rnc-it-security-risk/
* http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/14/technology/personaltech/how-to-protect-privacy-while-using-pokemon-go-and-other-apps.html?_r=0
* http://www.wired.com/2016/08/ethics-ar-pokemon-go/

Using AR Games like Pokemon Go for Marketing and for Criminal Activity

* http://www.forbes.com/sites/miketempleman/2016/07/14/how-to-use-pokemon-go-for-marketing/#5eb2ce6e7929
* http://searchengineland.com/pokemon-go-augmented-reality-future-local-marketing-254015
* https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jul/10/pokemon-go-armed-robbers-dead-body

Pokemon Go and Fitness

* http://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/news/a61203/pokemon-go-workout-routine/
* https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2016/07/15/pokemon-go-leading-to-a-population-level-surge-in-fitness-tracker-step-counts/

Pokemon Go: Nostalgia Fueled Fad or The New Trend in Gaming?

* https://medium.com/@amitt/is-pok%C3%A9mon-go-a-fad-be074935135#.gvw2ygeyh
* http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2016/08/pokemon-go-sheds-more-than-10m-users/

Harry Potter Go?
