This That & The Other

This That & The Other

Episode 17 - Dirty Cuntitis

April 10, 2020

Stay inside, stay safe, and listen to podcasts such as This That & The Other. Because what else are you going to do with your time in lockdown? Hopefully this episode serves as welcome, light relief from the ongoing shittery happening around us. Today we have two lovely guests with us, Mr Ryan Livermore and Dr Rhombus!
Running Order:
The Dentist
Who's That Pokemon? Pt 1
Nostalgia Time - Holidays
Who's That Pokemon? Pt 2
Automated Checkout - Unexpected Item
Who's That Pokemon? Pt 3
Monster Forecast - The Queue
Model Village
Who's That Pokemon? Pt 4
Prime Minister's Question Time - The Opposition
Russell Rambles - Chimera Urine
Who's That Pokemon? Pt 5
The Health Exchange
Something Stupid
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Written By: Adam Lloyd and Patrick Heaviside
Performers: Patrick Heaviside, Adam Lloyd, Sam Anderson, Ryan Livermore, Dr Rhombus 
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