The Keith Blakemore-Noble Radio Show

The Keith Blakemore-Noble Radio Show

The One About “The” Key To Success

September 08, 2019

[This post contains video, click to play]In the context of success, which of these is THE most important, which is THE key?


The actual answer is a lot more complicated and a lot more in-depth than many would have us believe!
Join Keith as he explores why the “usual” answer is unhelpful (and potentially even dangerous), and as he takes a look at what’s actually going on and what “the” key really is…

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Note – this is currently a highly automated transcription, so some of the text might not be wholly accurate – we are working on improving this over time!
You’re listening to the Keith Blakemore-Noble radio show, helping you transform your deepest fears into your greatest strengths. Here’s your host, Keith Blakemore Noble…
Success. Everybody wants success. Everybody wants the shortcuts to success.
And therein lies an interesting question. It’s a question which many people have asked countless times over the years. It’s often asked in personal development fields, it’s often were asked in business development fields. And I’m going to ask you the same question. This isn’t a question I came up with. It’s a question that does the rounds frequently.
The question is this in terms of success, which is or in terms of achieving success, which is the most important. Is it knowledge? Is it skills or is it attitude? Knowledge, skills or attitude? Which is VTHE one. The most important one. THE key for success.
Now, anytime this is asked, there’s always a great debate about it. It’s great. If you ever want to set up a get a lot of engagement on a thread on your favorite social media, ask this question. Lots and lots of engagement on it.
Every time it’s asked, virtually every time he’s asked, the person asking has a very definite answer that they want to to give the answer that they want.
The one answer which they see as being the answer is attitude. Attitude is a key. Attitude is the key to success. Attitude is the one thing you need to succeed.
It is the most important one. Forget knowledge, forget skills. It’s attitude with attitude. You’ll go all the way.
That’s often how it’s presented. And yes, let’s make no bones about it.
Attitude is very important. It is a very important component of success. If you approach something with the wrong attitude, your chances of success are slim at best. Yes, you might have a reasonable model, a reasonable degree of success in the short run, but as soon as you hit some problems or as soon as things start to go wrong or as soon as people start to object to whatever it is. If you don’t have the right attitude, yes, you are going to fall by the wayside sooner or later. Let’s not beat about. The Bush attitude is incredibly important.
Indeed, as many people point out.
If you start with the right attitude, it makes it far easier for you to learn the skills you need and to develop and gain the knowledge that you need in order to succeed. Which means attitude is the most important thing for success. Whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait a minute, wait a minute. Let’s back up their second game with the right. Excuse me. Sorry about that.
With the right attitude. You can gain the skills and knowledge you need for success. OK, that’s telling us something very important there that is telling us you need skills and you need knowledge for success.
It’s also telling us and this is the point which gets completely overlooked, completely escaped, and which I think is sufficiently important for us to discuss this.
Discuss it right here, right now. It also means. Attitude in and of itself, by itself alone is not sufficient for success. Yes, attitude