The Iowa Idea Podcast

Latest Episodes
116. Robert Hanserd
The Iowa Idea: Robert Hanserd “That’s Why We Have Summer School.” On this episode of The Iowa Idea Podcast, I’m joined by Dr. Robert Hanserd. Robert is an Associate Professor of African and Atlantic H
115. Hannah Soyer
The Iowa Idea: Hannah Soyer “Listen to those living the experience.” On this episode of The Iowa Idea Podcast, I’m joined by Hannah Soyer. Hannah is a queer disabled writer born and living in the Midw
114. Jen Rice
The Iowa Idea: Jen Rice “How do we create a more human future of work?” On this episode of The Iowa Idea Podcast, I’m joined by Jen Rice. Jen is the founder and CEO of Groundbreaking LLC, an integrate
113. Devin Green
The Iowa Idea: Devin Green “Paint the world with good design.” On this episode of The Iowa Idea Podcast, I’m joined by Devin Green. Devin is a full stack designer working in the space of brand design,
112. Angela Maiers
The Iowa Idea: Angela Maiers “You Matter!” On this episode of The Iowa Idea Podcast, I’m joined by Angela Maiers. Angela founded the global movement, Choose2Matter in 2014, with a singular mission to
111. Abena Sankofa Imhotep
The Iowa Idea: Abena Sankofa Imhotep “Embrace books.” On this episode of The Iowa Idea Podcast, I’m joined by Abena Sankofa Imhotep. Abena is the director of Sankofa Literary & Empowerment Group, whic
110. Bob Nastanovich
The Iowa Idea: Bob Nastanovich “Lester P. Jenkins” On this episode of The Iowa Idea Podcast, I’m joined by Bob Nastanovich, a resident of Des Moines, IA. Bob is an American musician and member of th
109. Justin Topp
The Iowa Idea: Justin Topp “Every day I have to learn something new.” On this episode of The Iowa Idea Podcast, I’m joined by Justin Topp. Justin is an Iowa native and alum of the University of Iowa,
108. Jeff Simmermon
The Iowa Idea: Jeff Simmermon “It was like river wearing down rock.” On this episode of The Iowa Idea Podcast, I’m joined by Jeff Simmermon. Jeff is a beautiful creative – a comedian and storyteller w
107. Matthew Gilbert
The Iowa Idea: Matthew Gilbert It knew it just required me to continue to learn. Matthew Gilbert joins me on this episode of The Iowa Idea Podcast. Matthew, a native of Waterloo, IA is a descended f