The Firstborn Son Show

The Firstborn Son Show

Early Childhood Development Makes a Big Difference

September 29, 2012

Visit our Blog, enter name & email, & claim your FREE GIFT.  More resources at The Firstborn Son. Giving children a good start in life means we are supporting early childhood development. Proper nutrition and mental stimulation, along with good maternal health, have a significant impact on a child's long-term physical, cognitive, and emotional development. Without the right care in the first five years of life, a child's health, education and future earnings potential can be severely disadvantaged, making it more likely that a child who grows up in poverty will be unable to break free from poverty as an adult. Deborah McNelis is the creator/owner of braininsights®. She is an author, speaker, educator and parent. Her passion is to achieve the best possible outcome for all children. It is Deborah's belief that every child has great potential that can be developed when we have an understanding of how children's brains develop. Deborah has devoted her life to providing programs and materials that create this awareness for parents and educators. Deborah comes to The Firstborn Son Show bearing a wealth of incredible and valuable information which would generally cost you a great deal to acquire.  Don't miss out this incredibly informative program.