The Big Leap

The Big Leap

Meta Marketing: How to Ask for What You Fear the Most

April 12, 2021

Q: How do you truly get what you want out of life?
Q: How have the MOST successful people in the world gotten to where they are today?

A: By ASKING outright for what they want.

It can be really scary to ask for what you want… out loud… to other human beings… whether it’s money, love, sex or anything else.

Maybe it feels pushy, selfish or arrogant, but it really is the only way to achieve your biggest goals and dreams.

When done properly, from a state of wholeness and alignment…it’s EMPOWERING.

Gay and Mike tackle the big question; “how do you ask for what you fear the most?”

We call this meta marketing. It's how to approach marketing from a state of wholeness and alignment. When you are “lined up,” the world falls all over itself to give you what you most want. If you're not “lined up,” you can ask for what you want until you're blue in the face but you won’t get it.

We’ll show you a new way of being and marketing your true-self in a world that's constantly changing. It's all about how to get in touch with and overcome the upper limits that you have about bringing yourself forward into the world and being successful.

Gay also provided two huge questions that will put you in a state of wonder plus a four letter acronym, F.A.C.T. that helps you overcome any challenge that stands in your way, including the things that you fear most.

Virtually everyone Mike has ever coached has had a problem with asking for money (or love or sex or…) and the number one thing that prevents them from asking is usually rolled up in old trauma and self esteem.