The Seed

The Seed

Romans 10v5-13 (2022-07-31)

July 31, 2022

In today's passage we read Paul quoting Moses and explaining what righteousness is and what it is not. Paul makes a point of saying, righteousness is not something which is far away and unachievable, it is close by. We don’t get close to God, HE draws close to us! We don’t have to, by our own effort, get to Jesus. He has already come to us. We don’t have to work to get to heaven, He has already done the work. We don’t have to atone for our own sins, He has already atoned for them.

So, how do we find righteousness? We declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10v9)

The question everyone of us must answer then, is have I done that?


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The Seed Christian Fellowship is a small Christian Church in Somerset UK