Technologist Talk

Latest Episodes
Episode 60 – Talking Horizons: How the Recent Past is Shaping the Organization’s Future
As 2022 begins, Charles Eaton, CEO of Creating IT Futures, joins Randi Parker, senior director for partner engagement, for a conversation about ways the challenging journey of the last couple of years
Chapter 69—Tales of Thanks: From Creating IT Futures to All Its Partners
To set the stage for 2022, Colleen Crino, Chief Development Officer for Creating IT Futures, shares stories about the organizations many partners, who they are and what they do in collaboration with
Episode 59 – Talking Apprenticeships: Busting Time-Worn Myths about a Time-Tested Technique for Developing Talent
Is there a single workforce development technique that could shrink the nations tech skills gap, narrow the technology industrys gender gap, provide technologists with income while learning, and sup
Episode 58 – Talking Gratitude: How an Attitude of Appreciation Shapes the Creating IT Futures Mission
As 2021 rolls to a close, Charles Eaton, CEO of Creating IT Futures, joins the organizations Chief Development Officer, Colleen Crino, for a conversation about how feeling gratitude has shaped and
Episode 57 – Talking Apprenticeships: How does CompTIA’s Apprenticeships for Tech Program Work
Why is the technology industry buzzing about a technical skills-sharpening technique from the Middle Ages? Listen as Amy Kardel, leader of the CompTIA Apprenticeships for Tech program, and Wendy Brors
Episode 56 – Talking to Volunteers: Why Volunteering May Be the Highest Form of Learning
Ever heard the expression Teaching is the highest form of learning? Listen as technologist Amy Cliett, director of TechGirlz, a program of Creating IT Futures, makes the case from her USAToday/Media
Technologist Tales Miniseries #19: Voices from TechGirlz
What do a small business owner, an operations manager and a special education teacher have in common? In this miniseries, we hear from Gloria Bell, Amy Cliett, and Alicia Park, three key voices from C
Chapter 68—Alicia’s Tale: From TechShopz Volunteer to Full-Time TechGirlz Advocate
What do educators and technologists have in common? A passion forproblem-solving, a lot of empathy and the organizational skills to translateunderstanding into action. Listen as Alicia Park, Nationa
Episode 55 – Talking D, E & I: How CompTIA’s GEM Partnership Helps Women Leaving Incarceration Secure Tech Jobs
CompTIAs new partnership with Girls Embracing Mothers (GEM) helps women leaving incarceration build futures for themselves and their children through customized technical training and enhanced educat
Chapter 67 -- A TechGirlz’ Tale: A Passion for Tech, a Penchant for Mentorship & a Pandemic Pivot
Is there an ideal time in life to launch a tech career?director of, a program of, doesnt think so. Listen as she describes switching to a technology job in her 30s, why she did and how shes hel