The Talented Learning Show

Latest Episodes
Podcast 89: Proven Fintech Software Adoption Strategies
How are financial services companies dramatically improving the speed and impact of fintech software adoption? How can other industries leverage these methods? Find out on this Talented Learning Show!
Podcast 88: The State of Customer Education in Europe
Customer education has been on fire in the U.S. for years. But what's happening with customer education in Europe? Find out on this episode of the Talented Learning Show!
Podcast 87: Taking Video Skill Assessment to the Next Level
What's happening at the leading edge of skill assessment? Find out how AI and video tech are transforming skill development on this episode of the Talented Learning Show!
Podcast 86: A Smarter Way to Drive Software Adoption
Enterprise software adoption requires a special kind of strategy. How does innovative learning tech help? Find out on this Talented Learning Show!
Podcast 85: What’s Next for Learning in Associations?
In the wake of Covid, learning in associations needs a comeback. But what's at stake? And what's the best path forward? Find out on this episode of the Talented Learning Show!
Podcast 84: The Rise of Community Microlearning
Microlearning isn't new, but it's often misunderstood. Now there's a new social approach called community microlearning. How does it work? Find out on this episode of the Talented Learning Show!
Podcast 83: Inside Modern Continuing Education Systems
Professional development providers benefit from relying on continuing education systems to support certification training. How does a specialized LMS help? Find out on this Talented Learning Show epis
Podcast 82: LMS or TMS — Which is Best for Training Management?
Learning management systems are powerful, but they aren't designed to drive complex live classroom logistics. How can a training management system (TMS) help? Find out on this episode of The Talented
Podcast 81: Using One LMS for Multiple Business Audiences
Enterprise learning involves diverse audiences. So, should you rely on just one LMS, or multiple specialized systems? Find out on this Talented Learning Show!
Podcast 80: Using XR to Level Up Skills Training
XR is making a massive impact on workforce skills development across industries. What are the business benefits? Find out on this episode of the Talented Learning Show!