Marketing and Social Media Strategy for Restaurants | Nate Riggs » Podcast

Marketing and Social Media Strategy for Restaurants | Nate Riggs » Podcast

How Does the World See You?

August 01, 2014

How does the world see you? Do you know your Fascination Advantages? Are you Power and Prestige? Or Passion and Trust?

Out of the seven Advantages, everyone has a Primary, Secondary and Dormant Advantage. You can find out yours and your personality archetype on the Fascination website.

In episode #048 of the Social Restaurant Podcast, I welcome Sally Hogshead, CEO of Fascinate, Inc. and author of "How the World Sees You."

Sally has taken personality tests and given them a twist- her assessment shows How the World Sees You. Every archetype has three adjectives that show how others see you- and the reports that come with the assessment show you how to capitalize on those adjectives.

Interested in how this can apply to your business? Go ahead, turn up the speakers, click play and listen to episode #048 of the Social Restaurant Podcast!
What You'll Learn During the Interview

How Sally got involved in Fascination
The three lessons of communication
The answer to how does the world see you?
Your business' potential to grow with the help of the assessment
An example of how one personality type can show your your Anthem, dormant advantage and more

Call for Sponsor
The Social Restaurant Podcast is looking for new sponsors! Interested in getting the name of your company out to the listeners of the hottest podcast in the restaurant industry? Averaging 200-300 listeners per episode, as a June 2014, the Social Restaurant Podcast has been downloaded more than 8200 times.  Contact me at for more information.
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[Tweet ""Don't focus on how you're similar to others, focus on how you're different."- @SallyHogshead"]

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Additional Show Resources and Notes

How does the world see you? Interested in taking the assessment for free? Just listen to the podcast, and go to Follow Sally's directions, take the three minute assessment and enjoy your new Fascination report.

Be sure to comment and let us know your archetype, your Advantages, and what your Anthem is. Are there any fellow Ring Leaders out there?

Interested in some of Sally's other work? Check out her website and her other books here.
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