Stuff Jews Should Know

Stuff Jews Should Know

Latest Episodes

What is a Jewish Wedding?
October 31, 2014

What makes a wedding a Jewish wedding? Mottle and Batya walk you through the entire day from start to finish.  You will be shouting Mazal Tov an feel like were there!  

What is Jewish Prayer?
October 21, 2014

Mottle and Batya are back with the Season Premier of Stuff Jew Should Know!  Where does Jewish prayer come from?  How is it different?  This is Stuff Jews Should Know.

What is Yom Kippur again?
October 01, 2014

The Classic Stuff Jews Should Know Yom Kippur episode.  Prepare for the Day of AtONEment with Mottle and Batya.  NEW SEASON of SJSK begins October 21.  

What is Rosh Hashanah
September 22, 2014

Classic Rosh Hashanah episode of Stuff Jews Should Know.  Have a good and sweet new year

What is Shavuot?
May 30, 2014

Shavuot is one of the three main biblical festivals celebrated by the Jewish People.  It commemorates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai.  It is also intimately connected to Israel's ancient agricultural cycle.

What is Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day)
May 23, 2014

Special show in honor of Yom Yerushalayim! The anniversary of the Reunification of the Eternal Capitol of the Jewish People after 2000 years of Exile.

What is Lag b’Omer
May 16, 2014

Lag b'Omer is the best Jewish Holiday you never heard of! Outside of Israel, it is rarely celebrated, but in the Land of Israel, it is an ecstatic celebration of joy with deep Kabbalistic themes. Join Mottle and Batya to explore this amazing holiday.

Jews and Tattoos
February 04, 2014

  - If I have a tattoo am I allowed to be buried in a Jewish Cemetery?  Lot's of people ask this question but what what does Jewish law say?  Does Jewish law conflict with your Bubbie's advice on Tattoos?  Check out the Stuff Jews Should know podcast,

What are Tefillin?
January 28, 2014

What are those black leather boxes that you see men wearing at the Western Wall? Do women wear tefillin? What are they made of? What is the deeper spiritual meaning behind this ancient Jewish custom? Join Mottle and Batya to explore this and more!

What is Thanksgivikah?
November 22, 2013

First time EVER!!! and last time for 77,000 years!  Chanukah and Thanksgiving overlap into the cultural sensation Thanksgivikah!!! There is actually a depth to this more than the menurkey, and Turkey latkas.