Get Ready - Be Ready - Stay Ready

Get Ready - Be Ready - Stay Ready

Linear lines and workflows to be sure your work flows

February 04, 2021

So, I was with a client the other day, Penny, from Best Techs Contracting. They’re specialists, in California, at building passive homes, and homes for the chemically sensitive. Also high end remodels. They’re great at what they do. And I talked to her about something I’d seen on a homebuilding show. They showed a kitchen with cabinet walls, a nice flat and beautiful countertop with a sink in the middle. And that’s all you saw. And Penny said, “Oh yeah…that’s linear lines.”

I thought, “Wow! I like that term, linear lines.”
And what’s wonderful about it (at least in my opinion) is that everything has its own spot. And it’s all nice and neat and behind cupboards with no clutter. Everything is just fantastically laid out in place. So organized.
And then I started thinking, “That’s what I’m doing, as far as showing business owners how to craft relationship workflows with clients.”
Doesn’t matter if it’s before they’re clients. Or going from “lead” all the way to “client.” Or even afterwards in what I call the nurture phase. I really like that term, “Linear Lines.” Because it’s getting rid of the clutter. Making things simple. And everything has its place. Nice, neat, and organized.
That’s how you make it easy to follow, easy to replicate, and easy to duplicate. So, you…as the business owner, when you have these things in place in your business, spend more time doing things you should focus on.
Like planning, strategizing, organizing. Getting your business scalable to that next level. Instead of spending your time, over and over again, on client fulfillment. Or on the daily operations.
That’s where we linear line it.
And you have that daily work automated and fulfilled by other people or tools. At least to the extent that you want it to be. Yes.
So, why is this important?
Because in the March UNversity class, you and I will go over (at least if you’re enrolled by the deadline) designing business relationship workflows. I’m gonna show you how to do that.
So, make sure you sign up for my monthly RondaReady UNversity…before the deadline. February 28. After that, you’ll be too late for March’s session. You could still enroll, but you’d have to wait for the next class in April.
For hands-on how-to coaching on how to build your business better and faster with a proven system, monthly tuition is only $15. Remember, tardiness won’t be tolerated. You can cancel anytime. But dropouts will drop out forever.
Join today, and Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your own business, and…
Stay Ready,