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RDHQ Podcast 108: The Mistake I Made When I First Started Working With CKD

February 22, 2020

I'm talking about my new program the Love Your Kidneys: Healthy Meal Planning and the early bird price ends on February 26th. I wanted to give you a chance. I just wanted to keep talking about it make sure that I am answering questions. I'm going to pop that in for Love Your Kidneys. Will get you to the sales page, tell you all about the course. 
Today I wanted to talk about the mistakes that I was making when I first started working with renal disease that my mother was diagnosed with CKD and that we kind of work with learning and changing and part of that is creating my website but is happening is that we went through a process and we made a few mistakes and so I want to mention those mistakes because you might be making it too.
The first mistake is when we were first starting with chronic kidney disease, we kind of treated it like a New Year's Resolution. You know you think about everything like “I can do all this, I can do everything” and you've changed everything and then just like a New Year's Resolution, you realized it's hard and you quit. And so we would try to change everything, try to do a bunch of different changes so you're motivated.
I know you're motivated when you first have kidney disease and I like that but I want you to understand that it's kind of like a long game so treating it like it's a push of a button is kind of the wrong one. I see it as more like a step-by-step process.
You might be thinking like and we were thinking this too like “what if I do this?” but we don't want to do anything to make it worse. So, up to this point we didn't know but know all of a sudden and we know all these things need to change and there's this huge gap, two things they need to go through differently and then you just want to change everything and then it's completely overwhelming because you have so many things that you're trying to juggle. You're trying to get this one done, you're trying to limit your protein, you're trying cut potassium, phosphorus and you're wondering what the heck's left to eat.
We often think like if some is good a lot might be better but the truth is that it is better to do some portions. Where I come from is your food changes at a time, over time and otherwise what's going to happen is the food's going to be bland and it's hard to follow. Now, all of a sudden you have alarm of things that you can't eat and those long things that you can. And my mom was just talking about it. But when you chose to keep a plan and you don't have like a step by step then you are asking for problems.
I always think when you fail because you don't have a plan. So, truly you could accomplish so much in a month, in two months, in three months but all that in a week, it's going to be overwhelming and you're not going to get it done.
Thinking about it like making a plan and kind of knowing what are the things that you need to do so you don't know what to do next. When you have a plan like what I'm talking about is when you go through this plan, you know the things that needs to be changed. 
Today, this on we change, next week. I want you to make a plan and it easy to change. So, making a plan to making it possible is as simple as writing down what you're gonna eat everyday and kind of stick to that. Now, you may not have a pattern, you may not know what's going to be on that list but you at least then you can go back over the week and you can look at that and say “okay. This is what worked. This is where I kind of fell short. This is where I kept going back.”
In the course, I prepare meal plans and patterns that you can use to start with that I just did last night but I wasn't planning on doing but I because I'm so excited with the number of people that are signing up.