Outside Health and Fitness

Outside Health and Fitness

Can Time Outside Shrink Your Waistline?

April 04, 2016

The Final Episode
In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast we talk about how getting outside can benefit your weight-loss goals.
On Today’s show you’ll discover…

…how different elements in nature support a healthy weight;
…fun activities that can be done outside;
…and I say goodbye and talk about my decision to take Outside Health and Fitness off the air.

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Weight Loss in America
In a recent Gallup poll, 49 percent of Americans said they would like to lose weight which is the first time in at least 25 years that less than half of Americans said they wanted to lose weight. Sounds great doesn’t it? Well, unfortunately there’s a bit more to the story you see obesity rates in America are still on the rise which may explain why fewer people would like to lose weight.
“If you look like your friends, then you think you’re at a normal weight,” You may be normal by american standards but not by medical standards.”
On top of that more people are spending time indoors and not getting the full health benefits available outside. While 80 percent of a healthy weight happens in the kitchen there are distinct advantages to spending more time outdoors….advantages that could help you lose weight.
So how could something as simple as spending more time outdoors help you be healthy and lose weight?  I want to share four different factors that come into play when you spend time outside…factors that have a direct connection to weight loss.
Outdoor Elements and Weight Loss
#1 Spend Time in Nature
The first is that spending time in nature can help you reduce stress and anxiety and we know there’s a connection between stress and weight gain. In fact, there is a term for this- Ecotherapy – it refers to the various physical and psychological benefits of being outside.  
A 2009 study  found that the closer someone lived to a green space or nature area, the healthier that person was likely to be. Another study found that those who spent time hiking or resting in a forest had measurably lower cortisol rates, heart rates and blood pressure.
Along with the physical benefits of reducing stress you’ll also feel more in control of your life, and may find it easier to stick to healthy eating and exercise habits.
#2 Fresh Air
Another way that being outdoors can help you achieve your weight loss goals has to do with the air you breathe. When you spend time breathing fresh air outside your metabolism responds positively…why? Because you’re getting more oxygen and when you add an activity like walking, hiking or biking you need that oxygen to provide energy and burn calories.
Yeah, but I could just walk inside right? Well, the difference between exercising indoors and outdoors is that indoors there is less oxygen in the air. Your body uses oxygen to burn calories which in turn provides the energy you need for exercise. You burn more calories and have more energy when you move your exercise outside.
#3 Earthing
Earthing, which is also known as grounding (or vitamin G),  is about reconnecting with the earth and getting back to the skin to skin contact our ancestors had on a regular basis. In episode 138 I talked about earthing, what it is and how you benefit. Now you might be saying to yourself…yeah but I walk on the ground all the time. True but In our modern world we’ve become very disconnected. Think about it, when was the last time you literally walked outside in your bare feet?
All good stuff but what about weight-loss? Could something as simple as spending time outdoors walking barefoot really help you lose weight? Dr. Laura Koniver says yes.She conducted a 10 week study where participants were asked to touch the earth for a minimum of 15 minutes a day on a daily basis. They were to change nothing else about their diet