On The Road To Perfection

On The Road To Perfection

(Re)Building Trust With Our Spouse – Episode 170

December 07, 2023
On The Road To Perfection

Episode 170: (Re)Building Trust With Our Spouse

Answering a question from a listener, we chat about building trust with our spouse, and rebuilding trust with our spouse, no matter the circumstance. Seriously – no broken trust is too broken, and we discuss that. We acknowledge difficulty in various situations, but get to the core pretty quickly. We share our deepest breach that we recovered from – yep, that one – and explore in-depth how you can recover, too. We give two very specific practices that will start working for you immediately!

After we briefly shill about our new Catholic store because, oh, no – donations have dropped 30%! But we have a fun solution lots of folks have been asking about. So that’s the first moment or two before we dive into trust in marriage.

Once we visit with our little friend Orson, we delve into Love, Honor, Respect, and building on that when first engaged and married. We go into communication and unintended and intended breaches of trust.

First, the unintended. This can be simple calumny and competition with like-minded peers who start putting down their spouses – oftentimes when the spouse is not present. Even in these situations, trust is broken internally, intimately.

Kristofer spills the beans on the solution to all of this before we delve into the intended breaches of trust, so you do not have to wait until the end!

It is very hard to rebuild trust with our spouse when the breach was intentional. But rebuilding trust with our spouse after unintentional breaches with the key we give helps tremendously in the rebuilding of trust with our spouse after an intentional breaking of the trust.

Intentional trust-breaking? In a marriage? Yep – and Kristofer shares a revealing incident in our marriage that bares the truth about our experience in rebuilding trust with our spouse.

We expand upon infidelity, spite, disobeying an agreed upon action, and more. We cover solutions that help from outside the marriage, continually surrounded by the key that we share as core to rebuilding trust with our spouse.

We do not talk about abuse in this episode. Abuse requires a special and specific path we are not qualified to discuss. We do share thoughts on the foundations of why we get married, and how the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony solidifies a bond of trust.

With one final practice, we share the secret to building trust with our spouse, mutually, during Mass with a beautiful practice you can turn into a tradition with your spouse. It works!

There is no breach that does not allow for rebuilding trust with our spouse. We learn this from Our Lord, and He overs perfect solutions, if we only take advantage of them.

And we hope this episode helps you build trust with your spouse, and rebuild trust with your spouse when the inevitable breaches happen.

Some items on our site that will help in (Re)Building Trust With Our Spouse, or at least get you started:

FIRST: We have hundreds of resources for marriage and family to help in many situation. Additional specific items are below.

TWMWU:The Virtue of Humility

TWMWU:Jesus Died For Us

TWMWU:Third Week of Advent – Rejoice!

Podcast Episode: Praying With Your Spouse, Part II – Episode5

Podcast Episode: Marriage Preparation – Episode 40

Podcast Episode: Because I Said So – Episode 161

Your suggestions, questions, and ideas for topics are what we need to keep providing great episodes. Email us or use the contact page to let us know what you would like us to talk about, or comment below to let us know if we picked a good topic with (Re)Building Trust With Our Spouse.