On The Road To Perfection

On The Road To Perfection

Is There Cake? Summer Catholicism And Our Third Anniversary – Episode 155

July 06, 2023
On The Road To Perfection

Episode 155: Is There Cake?

Summer Catholicism And Our Third Anniversary

Summer Catholicism does not make sense. The Church is Universal, and Summer happens every year. Why do we turn into summer Catholics when the kids get out of school? So many seem to take the summer off, as if a change in schedule justifies a change in celebrating days of holy obligation. We discuss this fun topic on a 95-degree day, and it is obvious the heat gets to us. Delirium, goofiness, and straight-up ridonculousness ensue as we unwittingly realize it is our third anniversary for the podcast. We’ve been doing this for three straight years, no interruption! So, enjoy this fun twenty minutes of just craziness while actually giving great suggestions on how to keep our Catholic practices – and Faith! –  during the summer while we are still relaxing. And then there’s the cake.

During this episode, we encounter Gary and Jose, the sunflowers, talk about spiders, different types of winds, and even a brainstorm for 2 new (?) Catholic web sites!

Mass attendance goes down during the summer. Summer Catholicism teaches our children, and ourselves, how inconvenient God and Catholicism is; but it is supposed to be! So we provide resources (along with a little bragging on Andrew!), on how to keep summer Catholicism at bay.

Calling out a local Catholic family – in a good way – we show practical approaches to combating summer Catholicism, and we even get in an aside for a former priest of ours and the prayers he needs.

If you are listening to this, you either are not a summer Catholic, are interested in not being one, or you are wondering what cake has to do with it all. It’s worth listening to so that you can find out!

And we hope that you are saying, “People take a break? That’s not normal.” But just in case, here’s our offering.

From suggesting new community opportunities, new Mass opportunities, or new activities and ministries, we have it all. Even a guest appearance from Worf – if you listen closely right around the 22-minute mark. These are all great ideas to stave off summer Catholicism!

And eliminating summer Catholicism does not stop with those ideas – there’s more! From retreats and donut shops, picnics and taking Father for a swim, we offer it all!

Summer Catholicism does not have to be the new, three-month normal every year. Turn your summer Catholicism into a new normal! Stay old wine!

Mass has not changed for two thousand years. Despite summer Catholicism, God is constant, Jesus is always in the Tabernacle. Don’t leave Him hangin’ – Our Father needs your high five! (You’ll have to listen…)


Mass and confession times around the world for the traveling Catholic: MassTimes.org

The Church of the Holy Dirt: El Santuario de Chimayo

Some items on our site that will help in understanding and exploring Summer Catholicism, or at least get you started:

Page:FAR OUT – Faith and Reason Outdoor Unity Tour

Article:Ordinary Time – Summer 2021

Podcast Episode:Why Do Catholics Use Latin – Episode 62

Podcast Episode:Anniversary Episode – Episode 51

Podcast Episode:Cultural Catholicism – Episode 139

Remember: Your suggestions, questions, and ideas for topics are what we need to keep providing great episodes. Email us or use the contact page to let us know what you would like us to talk about, or comment below to let us know if we picked a good topic with Is There Cake – Summer Catholicism And Our Third Anniversary.