Nourish The Dream

Nourish The Dream

Buck Jacobs: Supernatural Business Help

March 29, 2013

Special Guest: Buck Jacobs @BuckLJacobs
Founder of The C12 Group

Here are some powerful nuggets from Buck in today's interview.
On Supernatural Help in Business
"We saw God as sovereign. That God wants to be involved in our lives, including our business. That Jesus is Lord of all or He's not Lord at all. That He's able to show you how to cash flow a business that can't borrow money that's growing at 10-40% a year. He's able to find you people with specialized talents that you couldn't find through the normal recruiting methods. He took that little business that was primarily functioning just in the upper Midwest and a little less than a million dollars in sales... within two years He completely added to and revised the product line and sent us into every country in the world (outside the iron curtain) and multiplied the business tenfold."
On How Modern Christians View Their Calling
"We've put God in a box in such a shameful way, I'm personally very, very disturbed at what I see going on in what we consider the church (with a small "c")... and our failure to really represent who Jesus is to the world around us. And we've allowed the Body of Christ to become spectators. We've allowed them to lose the sense of  'calledness' and calling and meaning and purpose—ultimate eternal purpose—of every Christian life. You know, Jesus didn't call any part-time disciples. He didn't call any part-time believers. Every man, woman and child, when we receive Christ, we step onto the race that's set before us—the track—and we start to run that race. And we've let that slip to the degree where Christians think that if they go to church on Sunday, that's enough. But if they go Wednesday night then they think they're sort-of super-spiritual. And if they tithe then of course they're going to gain God's favor."
On Walking in Your Calling
"Walking in God's calling is the most exciting, fulfilling thing that you can do with your life, not only is it the most important thing. True fulfillment in life cannot be found outside of God's purpose in that life."

We're excited to have you listening! Be sure to subscribe via iTunes, find us on Stitcher or grab the RSS feed for the podcast.

Upcoming Events We Mentioned:
Ziglar Born To Win Business Owner Workshop
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Columbus, Ohio
Details & Registration
Wealth Builder Workshop
Wednesday, April 24, 2013, 8:30am - 4:30pm
Fort Myers, Florida
Details Location Register Here
PROVISION 2013: The Entrepreneurs Conference
Saturday & Sunday, April 27th-28th, 2013
The Now Center, New Albany (Columbus), Ohio
Details Location Register Here