Motivation Mob

Motivation Mob

Are You Happy?

September 13, 2018

Are you happy? There is a sad but common trend in society when it comes to happiness, we tend to attach happiness to external things and circumstances. Most people's approach to happiness is that they first need to achieve a certain goal for them to be happy. Some say "I'll be happy when I lose these last 5 lbs", or "when I earn $100k per year", or "when I find my soulmate", but the truth about happiness is that it is not something you have, it is something you are, and it is also a skill, a skill that anybody can learn. Are you happy? How happy are you on a scale from 1 to 10. Your current level of happiness in your life is because of the skills you have mastered and that you routinely practice. If you want to be happier in your life, you can achieve that by learning the skills that will boost your level of happiness, and you will need to practice them until they have become habit. You can become happier right now. It takes nothing more than practicing the right skills.