Motivation Mob

Motivation Mob

Sucess in Life (Part 1) - How To Have Success In Life

September 07, 2018

Do you want to have success in life? Of course you do, who doesn't? But what does it mean to be successful in life?

There is a belief among many people and across society as a whole that to be successful means that you have a strong financial position in your life, enough to spend a part of it on luxuries such as the latest or fastest sports car, the fanciest mega mansions, and watches, bags, shoes and clothes that cost as much or more than what some people paid for their house. Material wealth is not success. While it is nice to have all of the trappings of having success in your career or your finances, material wealth on it's own is not success.

Here is the truth about success, I , nor anybody else can tell you specifically what success in life is, or what it looks and feels like. It is up to you to define what success is for your. The only definition of what success is that matters is your own definition, because for as long as you do not live up to your idea of what success tr