Long Beach Impact

Long Beach Impact

Legal Veterans Institute: Helping Those Who Sacrificed For Us – Meet Antoinette Balta

April 17, 2018

"You don't have to serve in the military to be a patriot. There's no shortage of ways to give back in this country. We're blessed so why not pay it forward." - Antoinette Balta
Veterans sacrifice so much for this country. And when we think about helping them, it’s usually about blankets. Or providing shelter. Or food.
We hardly ever think about the legal challenges they face.
But Antoinette did.
She saw a need. A growing need for legal services that needed a response. Someone needed to step up. And so she did.
Now Antoinette and the other attorneys at the Veterans Legal Institute now represent those who sacrifice so much for us.
She embodies the type of guest we love to have on this podcast. That is someone who believes in purpose over profit.
Subscribe & Share!.fusion-button.button-7{width:100%;}Listen and Subscribe via iTunes.fusion-button.button-8{width:100%;}Listen & Subscribe via StitcherTopics in the podcast:

What the Veterans Legal Institute Is
Legal battles Veterans are facing
How Veterans can get help
How to be a real Patriot

Show Notes:
Veterans Legal Institute
2100 N. Broadway, Ste. 209
Santa Ana, CA 92706
Ph: 714-852-3492
Antoinette's email: abalta@vetslegal.com
Veterans Legal Institute:  www.vetslegal.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/veteranslegalinstitute/
Twitter: @vetslegalOC
Lawyers for Warriors event: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07eev2hll4d8e1adf4&llr=54bdezrab
Podcast: http://www.aworldapartpodcast.com/
Donation button: http://www.vetslegal.com/get-involved.html
Amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/registry/wishlist/36RUFRSJ5J53D/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_ep_ws_5MxSAbX1BZRR0