Master Spanish now! - Learning Spanish Fast

Master Spanish now! - Learning Spanish Fast

Advanced Spanish - Episode 005 - Coca y Cocaína

January 15, 2015
Coca and cocaine are two substances that are often confused as being similar. However, they are in fact very different. In this episode, we discuss coca and cocaine.rss feed | iTunes | Audio page with other listening options

An image of a poporo, a container used to store lime that helps to chew coca leaves. This image is from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Source: Kaldari, available here.

Coca is a herb that has a long and mystical history in many parts of South America; whereas cocaine does not. There is much confusion around coca as it is a (very very small) part of the cocaine production process. Partly for this reason, coca is illegal in many countries. In this episode, we explain coca’s fascinating history and important cultural elements.

Some special words we use in the recording… Mambear, chacchar, acullicar, picchar


¿Piensas que la coca deber ser ilegal? ¿Por qué? ¡Compártenos tu opinión!

rss feed | iTunes | Audio page with other listening options

Hasta pronto,

Paola y Cristian


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