Master Spanish now! - Learning Spanish Fast

Master Spanish now! - Learning Spanish Fast

Advanced Spanish - Episode 004 - Mas vacaciones!

January 07, 2015
With it still being holiday season in Latin America, we thought we’d tell you about some great unknown places to take a vacation in Colombia!rss feed | iTunes | Audio page with other listening options

Playa de Ladrilleros near Buenaventura, Colombia. Source: Hertziodj, available here.

We look at the little-visited Pacific coast of Colombia in this episode. With it being difficult to reach, much of the region is largely unknown to foreigners. So in this episode we tell you how to get there and some of Cristian’s adventures in the region – including the little plane, the deserted beach, the incredible heat, and a search for whales…


¿Cuál es el lugar menos conocido en tu país? ¡Déjanos tu comentario!

rss feed | iTunes | Audio page with other listening options

Hasta pronto,

Paola y Cristian


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