Fuel Excise Tax Podcast

Fuel Excise Tax Podcast

Mysteries Compound Episode 12 “Lewis and Clark and Shay’s Bilious Pills”

March 16, 2014

Mysteries Compound Episode 12 “Lewis and Clark and Shay’s Bilious Pillsâ€

A Listener’s digest of the unusual, the unexpected, and the unexplained. Because on closer inspection, Mysteries Compound.

  • An attack on an arctic convoy
  • Jenny can speak kookaburra
  • What the founding fathers really thought of each other
  • Lewis and Clark and Shay’s Bilious Pills
  • Three professors discuss merits of different types of exam questions
  • An expert description of Apples ‘goto fail’ bug. But was it an accident or not?

SFW, 41 minutes

Mysteries Compound Episode 12