High Ticket Sales Secrets | Coaching & Consulting Business / Personal Branding / Sales Training / Ma

High Ticket Sales Secrets | Coaching & Consulting Business / Personal Branding / Sales Training / Ma

Episode 065 – The Best Way to Pay Your Sales Team

August 09, 2017

Welcome to another episode of High Ticket Sales Secrets. This is Dan Lok – your host, your guide and your mentor. A Lot of People Can Sell, a Few People Can Close What’s the best way to pay your sales team and your closers? Earlier in my career, as I was closing sales on the phone – I was taking calls and closing sales, and I still do today by the way. The difference is, I just close higher ticket sales. When it’s a big transaction size, when I need to get on the phone, I get on the phone. I could just close as well as anyone of my guys. Later on as I was growing my company, I started to hire sales people. I call them closers. There’s a difference. A lot of people can sell, a few people can close especially when it comes to high ticket […]